Archived What's New


Copyright © 1997-1998 by JS Stephens. All right reserved.

December 31, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

This is literally the last message of the year from me to you.  I have completed Rebecka's Turn, a three part story about how the daughter of Joxer and Diana meets and marries Saul of Corinth.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading my stories throughout the year.  I wish you all the best of everything in 1999, that you will live long, prosper, and find love and happiness.


J.S. Stephens

December 20, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I've been busy learning my new job, shopping, and catching up on my sleep.  I have part one of Rebecka's Turn, the story of how the daughter of Joxer and Diana meets a man in Corinth...

Happy Holidays!

JS Stephens

November 27, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

Sorry I've taken so much time away from my X & G site, but I've been very busy with work lately.  As many other folks, I've been merged and morphed and will start an entirely new position next month with the "new" company.  Never fear, there are additional stories waiting to be written.  Also, I have changed the navigation:   now you can use the drop down menu at the bottom of the page to go to the different main pages of my site.

I hope that everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and is ready for the upcoming holiday madness!

Battle On!

J.S. Stephens

October 25, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I finally finished Beginnings and Endings, the story of coping with birth and death, both physical and spiritual.  Gabrielle and Lila finally decide to confront their parents.  Meanwhile, Diedra is acting strange, which makes her daughter Diana very nervous, especially with a new baby.  Cyrene is upset by her best friend's behavior.  To top it all off, the soldier who raped Diedra shows up at the inn...

Battle on!

J.S. Stephens

October 23, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

This newest story is taking longer to write than I anticipated, many apologies.   But, some tidbits:

Battle on!

J.S. Stephens

October 7, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I've been pretty busy and haven't had a chance to crank out much more Xena content, but I just recently started on another story.  In this one, Cyrene Ruth, daughter of Diana and Joxer, is born.  Her older sister, Rebecka Diedra, isn't really jealous, but she is worried that everyone will forget her.  Meanwhile, Xena's mom, Cyrene, is starting to come to the conclusion that her best friend, Diedra, is starting to forget things -- which Diedra is noticing as well.

I know, more dark stories.  But, hey, this is set in Greece, home of the tragedy!

JS Stephens

September 24, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I have my first non-Xena, non-Uber story complete on my Unrelated Stories site.  The first story is of Jesse Hill, an accountant turned ranch owner, who falls for Elizabeth Weeks, director of the information center at Jesse's lawyer's firm.  (Confused yet?)   Elizabeth is reluctant to fall in love since the death of her former lover, but Jesse presents her best case anyway.  Check it out!

JS Stephens

September 18, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I must be famous or something, my stories have been listed under "What's New" at three separate Xena fan fiction sites!  (Check my links page for these sites.)  Guess I'll have to keep writing now.

Also on the back burner:  I am planning to start yet another site, but this will be non-Xena stories (not even Uber-Xena).  I've had other characters yelling for equal time in my brain.  More news after I finish my first story and post it.

J.S. Stephens

September 15, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I finally found the code to make separate counters in AOL.  I just haven't figured out how to change the appearance of the new counters yet, but as of today, I have separate counters for my fiction index page and my timeline page.  This may not excite my readers, but hey, it excites me!

"She loves what I do"  Gabrielle

JS Stephens

September 14, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I finally finished The Revival, which is in four parts.   (The characters got carried away and took over my computer.)  Now I will have to recover before starting any other Xena projects.  I am still recovering from surgery, not as sore as I was last week.  For some reason, though, my employer expects me to go back to work next week.

My site has recently been indexed by Shadowfen and the Xenaverse Codex.  I'm famous!

Be well.

JS Stephens

September 10, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I have completed part one of The Revival, which will pick up some twenty years after That Texas Summer.  Expect to see part two (hopefully) next week.  I've decided that recovering from surgery is the pits, but the upside is that I can sit in front of my computer for several hours now without pain.

Battle On!

J.S. Stephens

September 7, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

Happy Labor Day!  I'm recovering from a spot of surgery (which has slowed down fiction production) but I'm planning to crank the computer back up into high gear soon.   I'm getting lots of requests for a sequel to my Texas series, so as soon as I finish outlining the story in my head, I'll start writing it.   Yes, I know I've promised this before...


August 23, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

No, nothing new to report other than Colorado is beautiful this time of year.  I went to visit some friends and nearly didn't come back (which would not be good for the job situation).  I'm hoping to do another story this week, then I will be out of pocket for a couple of weeks.

Battle on!

J.S. Stephens

August 9, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I've revamped the entire web site somewhat by adding text links at the bottom of each page to help you navigate my web.I really don't have much else in the way of news, but I have noticed that Tom's Xena Page is back in full swing now.  Go check out his fab stuff at .  Tell him that JS Stephens of Xena & Gabrielle:  Mythical Babes sent you.

Battle On!

JS Stephens


August 3, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I am now officially a member of the Xena & Herculean Webmasters Association!   Yup, now I can proudly display the banner and the membership image .  Kinda cool, huh?

Battle on!

JS Stephens

July 30, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

The story, The Temple Incident, arrived full blown in my head tonight, so I had to write it up in one session.  You heard Cyrene talk about killing Xena's father in "The Furies", now read the background behind The Temple Incident.

Battle On!

J.S. Stephens

July 21, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I've finally finished Changes, Part II.  I don't have much else to say, but the next stories to look out for will include:

JS Stephens

July 17, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I've been gone to a library conference since last Friday and have not had a chance to finish writing any stories.  I've almost finished Changes, Part II and have started thinking about a new story involving Laura Wilkins, Ruby Bills and Leslie Bills of That Texas Summer fame.  Life around here has been pretty busy, I finally got some rain today (and some laundry done.  It piles up when you are running from session to session.)

So, stay tuned for more stories!

By the way, I believe that Tom Simpson will soon have his site up soon.   For details, check

JS Stephens

July 8, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

I received quite a scare tonight, all of my pages were missing from my AOL member directory.  I have re-uploaded ALL of my files and checked my links.  So far, everything seems to still be here. 

I have posted part I of Changes and hope to finish part II soon.  I usually don't post a multi-part story until all parts are finished, proofed, and linked, but I've been so busy with yardwork, scanning the classifieds and trying to learn more HTML tricks that I haven't had much time to devote to Xena, Gabrielle and friends.

Battle on!

JS Stephens

June 23, 1998

Dear Fellow Xenites:

Sorry I haven't completed any stories recently, but I've been quite busy with yard work, work work, and running several other web sites (mostly intranets.)  I will write several more stories as the summer progresses, and possible even overhaul the look of my Mythical Babes site. 


Diana and Joxer are having trouble conceiving another child, so they take a vacation to Corinth.  They run into...

Gabrielle feels twinges of guilt, even though it was her family that threw her out, not the other way around.  She hears that her parents have died and she knows where Lila lives.  Should she go to her sister?

Cyrene is very proud to be a great-grandmother.  Xena is unsure of being a grandmother without having really been a mother.  Gabrielle insists that Xena should go to Solon and Julia when they learn that Julia is in labor...

Xena loves her father more than anyone, so why is he taking her to the temple of Ares?  Why is he being so rough with her?

Battle on, my friends!

JS Stephens