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Xena, Uber & More
Monday, 19 December 2005
Traffic - ack!
Topic: My boring life
Why is it that the person behind you in extremely crowded conditions has to be so hard on your bumper that you can't see their headlights? Especially when all you can see for a mile or more is a sea of taillights? I swear, people are driving worse and with more anger than ever. ARGH!

Posted by jsstephens at 9:46 PM CST
Monday, 5 December 2005
Winter weather
Mood:  cool
Topic: Random musings
Let me just start by saying I hate sleet, ice, snow. Where I live, we get this type of precipitation about once a year, sometimes we get to skip a few years. It does seem that we've had more sleet storms in the past five years than in the preceeding ten years.

As you might imagine, it means our highway department has fewer resources to cover highways, so they concentrate first on bridges and overpasses. I think I have about 20 bridges or overpasses between me and my bus station, then the bus has to go over a bunch more. It's pretty scary.

If that were not enough, we get people from the eastern seaboard who say, "hell, I can drive in this, what's your problem?" Oh, only that we're not used to it, and we don't have the equipment or tires to deal with it.

It's not even forecasted until Wednesday and I'm already worried.

Did I mention that I hate this type of winter weather? Cold? No problem. Sleet? Ice? Boss, can I stay home?


Posted by jsstephens at 7:42 PM CST
Friday, 2 December 2005
Life, new truck, etc.
Topic: Random musings
I still like my new baby truck, she's quite nice. The gas milage sucked on the last tank, but maybe that's due to the horrible traffic I endure to/from work. When you're averaging 20 MPH or less for over 15 miles, then finally get up to 40-45, then the fuel economy is gonna suck.

Anyway, I did have something else to say. Nope, can't think of it now. Stories? What stories?

Can it be possible to have cold flashes instead of hot flashes? My GF had some hot flashes this summer, and now I'm experiencing times when I'm so chilled that I can't get warm. It was that she was always cold and I was always hot, so this is weird. Really weird. Anyone else out there ever get cold flashes? The temps are still hitting the 60's, although the winds have been pretty fierce.

Well, off to play with the cats.

JS Stephens

Posted by jsstephens at 9:18 PM CST
Sunday, 27 November 2005
Well, life is strange
Mood:  rushed
Topic: My boring life
The night after my last entry, I was in a wreck. No one was hurt, but my truck was totaled. After the long process of the insurance claim (which, due to who my insurance company is was pretty painless), it was decided that I needed to get a new truck.

Now, some people might holler at this, but I chose another Ford Ranger. It's blue. Sonic Blue. Looks kinda purple at times. She's sweet, lots of pep. Only my third vehicle in nearly 16 years - I tend to keep them for 150-200K miles. Anyway, my friends all razzed me for not buying a Toyota or Nissan, but look at it this way: Ford asked Melissa Etheridge to compose a song for their sponsorship of the Susan Koman Race for the Cure. Read more about it at http://www.fordvehicles.com/thecause/index.asp.

That's all for now.


Posted by jsstephens at 5:14 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 10 December 2005 3:01 PM CST
Saturday, 12 November 2005
Random musings
Mood:  cool
Topic: Random musings
What would Xena say about Terrell Owens? Would she denigrate him for not being a team player, or cheer him for being outspoken?

Here's my take: TO knocked out himself by complaining about the lack of recognition of his 100th career touchdown catch, then by complaining about his team and his teammates. Yes, he should have freedom of speech per the First Amendment, but there comes a time that one should weigh their rights and the rights of others. Am I being hypocritial? Possibly.

Here's my take, part two: athletes have been given a tremendously wide berth in having irresponsible behavior tolerated for far too long. If a player is causing problems for the team, the situation should be addressed immediately, and if that behavior or problem continues to worsen, then the athlete should face the consequences.

How does this come back to Xena? Xena thought she was doing good at first, then allowed her cruel streak to come to the forefront and chose not to work with people, but rather to take anything she desired from them. The eventual consequences followed her through the rest of her life on the TV series, including coming to terms with how her cruelty wrecked lives, eventually costing her life. Side note: I still don't believe that the way the series ended was good. Bad writing. If they wanted to kill her off, there were many more credible scenarios.

That's my random, rambling musings for today.

JS Stephens

Posted by jsstephens at 8:50 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:01 PM CST
Wednesday, 9 November 2005
Texas and Prop 2
Mood:  down
Topic: Random musings
Well, it's official, Texas has written legal biogry and hatred into its constitution. The voters approved Proposition 2, which outlaws any possibility of marriage or marriage type unions for gays and lesbians. As a multi-generation Texan, I'm embarrassed by the unforgiving, unchristian attitudes of my fellow Texans.

Posted by jsstephens at 5:52 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:01 PM CST
Thursday, 27 October 2005
Oh, several things
Mood:  energetic
Topic: My fiction
First, my Facts of Life story ("The Impossible Dream") will also be posted on Ralst's Passion and Perfection site http://www.ralst.com/.

Second, Sheryl Swopes of the WMBA's Houston Comets came out of the closet today! Yippee! Now let's hope that the people of Texas will do the right thing and vote against that awful Prop. 2 (Faiths unite to denounce amendment).

Enough politics.


Posted by jsstephens at 6:50 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:01 PM CST
Saturday, 15 October 2005
Life is fairly okay
Topic: My boring life
Went to see "Serenity" with a buddy of mine, pretty good movie. I decided to look for some clothes later (friend's wedding coming up) but everything was either too big or too small. Any pants that were close to the right waist were waaaaay too long AND didn't have pockets. Bleah. Pockets are a necessity!

Anyway, the muses are playing tricks on me, I'll get good story ideas or scenes while I'm at work, or driving, or some place inappropriate, then when I have a bit of time, poof!

It's enough to drive a person insane.

Oh, Symantec replied. They're supposed to refund my money. I'll completely believe it when I see it in my account.

JS Stephens

Posted by jsstephens at 9:43 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:01 PM CST
Sunday, 9 October 2005
No word yet from Symantec
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Computer musings
I blathered last time about NAV going down and having to uninstall it. I wrote a paper letter (shock! snail mail!) but no response. I'll give'em a while before pursuing it further.

The weather is beautiful here, finally hit 73 F (at nearly 1:30). I mowed this morning, pulled weeds later on, and now have moved inside to do boring stuff like laundry. The cats are sending sleepy waves my direction, pulling me off course from household duties. Of course, my gf is having to work again. Grr.


Posted by jsstephens at 1:21 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:02 PM CST
Saturday, 1 October 2005
Which antivirus software?
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Computer musings
I had paid to extend my subscription to a certain antivirus software (that I won't mention here), but low and behold, it suddenly decided that not only had I not renewed, but that my original cd key was bogus! After fighting with it, search the vendor web site, and generally growling for the better part of ninety minutes, I decided to give up. I uninstalled the puppy, had to use its special uninstall tool to get rid of the rest of it in the registry, and downloaded/installed avast! home edition free antivirus http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html.

Now, I've been using computers for 25 years, had one of my own for ten, built six computers from scratch, upgraded/reinstalled Win 95/98/2K/XP, installed/configured countless programs, and been a webmaster personally and professionally for more than eight years. If I can't get this puppy to accept that I paid for the subscription, then I don't think the average Joe or Jane could either. I'm pissed.

Okay, I feel a little better now.

Rant over.

JS Stephens

Posted by jsstephens at 7:42 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:02 PM CST

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